JC Pink's Blog

JC Pinkerton (AKA jangeo Pinkerton) is a husband and wife team with the Templar Knight novels. JC Pinkerton has published articles, and short stories. Her work has been seen in newspapers, newsletters, magazines online, and print, and one of her short stories was published in Chicken Soup For The Nurses Soul.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Joyce Wilmer-Martin poem in new book!

A Joyce Wilmer-Martin poem is in the Templar Knight, Book Two. You'll have to read the poem to understand the beauty of it. Please read! Go to - www.jcpinkerton.com

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Templar Knight, Book Two

The Templar Knight, Book Two: Journey To The Kingdom Of Hell, is available at amazon.com, barnesandnobel, etc. Autographed copies can be ordered through author. Visit www.jcpinkerton.com or email: jcamdenpink@embarqmail.com